Commerce Realm

Anything and everything related to commerce - we'll feature product reviews, updates on new services, important news that affects your business and a lot more.

Sunday, January 29, 2006

AllPeers - Great New App

AllPeers recently launched and looks to be a very cool new service. It's a new Firefox extension that allows you to keep an online buddy list right in your browser, where you can share files as well as discussions. They get points for making it very easy to use. You can share photos, movies and even sound files, which makes it nice.

Companies could work this into a new way to keep in touch with their customers, provided their customers are tech savvy. With a little tweaking, this could be quite a useful new app for commerce sites, as long as they don't abuse the privlege.

This is also good news for Firefox - when the app finally does roll out. I will definitely be giving it a try.

Saturday, January 14, 2006

6 for 2006 Blogs has created a great new feature - they'll be following six companies thorughout 2006 to see how they do - through the company's blog.

Great idea - Check it out.

These reality blogs may provide you with some tips, help you watch out for pitfalls, and learn something along the way. I'll definitely be keeping tabs on this one.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Welcome to CommerceRealm

Where everything related to commerce goes and the little guy is king. Whether it's about advertising, small businesses, ecommerce, investments, real estate or more, we'll provide expert analysis and coverage.

You'll get plenty of news, analysis and always a little bit of fun.